Click on the link to download a pdf copy of our 8-page Deploying Bear Spray Against A Highly Agitated, Charging Bear.
Dear Visitors,
Welcome to the Be Bear Aware home page. North America is home to three different species of bears, some say actually four. In this site you will learn what makes each species uniquely different. You will learn how bear habitat varies across North America.
This web site places special emphasis on keeping bears wild. You will learn the latest safety techniques for avoiding encounters with bears. This site includes special information on food storage, campsite set-up, viewing and photographing. You will learn precautions to use when hiking in bear country and how to use bear spray.
Please help us with our bear avoidance safety message by sharing this information with others. Teachers, youth group leaders, and others can order multiple brochures, DVD’s/Powerpoints, and displays for use with their groups. Thank you for visiting our website.